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Of the

Elder Tree

 Many moons ago, when Hvall was young and wolf packs were even younger, A great wolf warrior named Darius led a small group of wolves called the Darians. 

Darius was a humble, wise and graceful alpha. One with a heart full of passion and respect towards nature and the gifts given to his pack such as their prey and territory. 


 He led the Darians alongside His

 mate Marza, a beautiful huntress  that bore His son and heir, Elbio. 


After his birth, the Darians became immensely optimistic of their future. It was a time of peace and prosperity; an age of progression for the Darians unlike any other. 

With strong and confident leaders, they were a force that no other animal would dare challenge.

But in this time of confidence, the Darians became prideful and ambitious to a fault. They looked down upon other packs and worshipped themselves more than they worshipped the spirits of nature. 

One night, Darius's son, Elbio, fell ill. For many nights, the sickness grew worse and worse. Darius became more and more distraught and concerned about his son. The Darians realized that this was nature's punishment for their pride and vanity. They tried to send offerings to the spirits; They sent Prey burned in fire, wildflowers from the fields near their home and even fasted for weeks.


Eventually, Darius realized the spirits were not answering their call. He decided to take matters into his own paws and traveled to The Soul Lands to see if the foxes that lived there would save Elbio. 

The foxes were known for their advanced healing techniques and were the closest to the spirits of nature that Darius knew of. It was his last attempt to save his son and the future of the Darians. 


As Darius entered The Soul Lands, he begged the fox shaman to bless his son and save his life. The shaman refused, however, and told Darius it was his doing and that the spirits of nature could not and would not reverse what they had done. 

Darius wept in despair, still crying out to the foxes that now either turned away from him or looked upon him with pity.  

Suddenly, from the crowd, a young apprentice fox named Orzia made her way to the weeping Darius. She promised him she would help Elbio even though it was against the Shaman's will. 

The Shaman frowned upon Orzia but let her do what she wished. He believed that she would learn from the experience and never help a wolf again.

Orzia, now full of hope and ambition to prove the Shaman wrong, traveled back to Elderfell to save Elbio from his sickness. 

After many days, Orzia was able to nurse Elbio back to health and save him from death. 


The Darians rejoiced and celebrated Orzia for days after; Each night sending and offering to the spirits, thanking them for Orzia's mercy and kindness. 

Darius bowed to Orzia and gave her many gifts and riches to thank her for saving Elbio. 

Orzia, however, refused the gifts and instead asked Darius for one thing. She wished that there be an alliance formed between the wolves and foxes. One where they work together to withhold the wishes of the spirits of nature in unison. 

Darius agreed with Orzia and on one beautiful morning, Orzia planted the Elder Tree seed in the heart of the Darians territory. Orzia blessed the land and gave it its new name, ElderFell. The Elder Tree was the heart of the territory; a symbol of unity and unconditional love between two species that was never seen before. 



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